Roblox Injector - iuunvyX 5.3

Roblox Injector - iuunvyX 5.3

iuunvyX 5.3 Injector Roblox - one of the best injectors is iuunvyX 5.3. The injector got its popularity given, but recently received a new “life” after a global update. The developers have updated the design, changed the program script and added new features. Great for those who do not have such injectors as Synapse X and Raduga.

Обновление: Новый интерфейс, добавлены автообновления, лучше инжектит.

How to start the injector Roblox:

Disable antivirus and firewall;

Download iuunvyX 5.3 from the link below;

Extract the files from the archive and start iuunvyX 5.3;

Place any of your scripts in it;

Execute the script and you're done;

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We recommend disabling the built-in antivirus in your browser, as the download may consider the file as a virus. And don't forget to disable the antivirus on your computer, because any script is a hack.
Comments (3)
  1. при скачивания инжектора скачивается скрипт на симулятор качалки а не инжектор, исправьте пожалуйста

    1. Спасибо, исправили. Теперь скачивается инжектор iuunvyX 5.3. Архив без пароля.

  2. я нажимаю attach и у меня выскакевает ошибка

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